Monday, April 4, 2016

April Special ~ Buy One, Get One (BOGO) on Spell! (and update)

So first, a quick update on me....(okay it turned into a long one.  If you're looking for the April Special scroll on down until you see RED!

I traveled quite a bit during the month of March!  I was gone to Florida from the 8th through the 15th and then I left again on the 24th to go on a nature retreat and I just got back from that.  WHEW!

I LOVE to travel.....and I have NO problem working while I travel.  I take all of the materials I need for spell castings, and I work while I'm on my 'vacations'.  I sometimes struggle to find good wifi - even though I have a little wifi hotspot that I take everywhere with me, and most of the places I stay provide wifi.  But on the nature retreat I was it was REALLY limited.  :)

I was able to get all of the orders completed, but a couple were a couple hours late and I'm so sorry about that!  I also am sorry that my inbox was neglected.  When I'm on these working holidays, I'm essentially "out of the office".  I'm still working but not available for general questions.  Gia helps when she can, but she's not a full time employee or anything.

Please be patient with me when I am on holiday.  I am essentially "on call" meaning I am there for orders only....questions of a general nature, problems or complaints, or just general chit chat will have to wait until I return or have a moment to answer questions in the order in which they are received.  I'll give you a tip though.  Inbox messages go from oldest at the bottom to newest at the top.  I start from the bottom and work my way up.  IF you send me a message on a Monday and I don't reply, and then you send another message one Wednesday...and another on're basically bumping yourself up to the TOP of the list (new messages) which means you'll actually be one of the last people I get to because your message is no longer on the bottom.  So the best solution is to send ONE message and wait.  I promise I'll get to it as soon as possible.  That way your message stays at the bottom (oldest) which is where I start when I am answering questions from the inbox.  WHEW again!

Oh and the absolute FASTEST way to contact me is to order something.  :)  Your order goes into my queue and I am on a ticking clock and will reply to you within 24 or 48 hours depending on whether you order the express delivery or not.  :)

FYI:  My next trip is scheduled for July 1st through 8th (I'm going back to New Orleans!!!) but I'm also going to Baltimore, MD just after that.  I will likely be traveling again in late July...and then my next major trip isn't until December.  I may have some shorter trips in between all of this but those shouldn't really affect my inbox too much.  I plan to work through ALL of these trips!  No vacation mode for me, lol.


The special for this month is a Buy One, Get One FREE (also known as a BOGO)!  There are two restrictions.  

  • The bogo applies to spells ONLY.  Not to readings.
  • Your spell order must total a minimum of $15 to qualify for the BOGO
  • You must contact me PRIOR to placing an order, and let me know what you are planning to order - I will then send you a custom offer which will include the BOGO.
  • Whatever extras you order on the initial spell(s) that you pay for, those extras will apply to the freebie as well!  *see example below*
Here are a couple of creative ways you can take advantage of this offer!

  • Order THREE different spells at $5 each, get THREE spells free!
  • Order ONE spell with a $10 extra (total $15) and get ONE spell and extras free (or three different spells!)
  • Order a VooDoo Hybrid Spell ($105), get a second VooDoo Hybrid Spell FREE ($105 value!!)  Whatever extras you order on the first spell apply to the second free spell!  No limits!  If your spell order totals $300 then you get $300 worth of spells for free!  It's that simple!
I hope you take advantage of this!  So many clients took advantage of the previous offer for March, it was fantastic!

Sunny :)