Saturday, August 4, 2018

August 2018 Updates!

Hello to my loyal clients as well as new clients!  Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  I have a few updates to share with you for the month of August.  As always you may inbox me with any questions that you have!

1)  No Readings during August - My account got ‘dinged’ because of a misunderstanding.  I had a client several months ago that placed a $150 order but he offered to purchase that $150 in the form of multiple gigs in an effort to give me multiple feedback ratings.  I (stupidly) agreed - not realizing that this was in violation of Fiverr’s TOS.  In hindsight, I can see why it was a problem and I accept full responsibility.  The buyer ended up requesting refunds for ALL of the orders, and Fiverr had to honor that request since I didn’t actually deliver each individual gig.  I shouldn’t have allowed that to happen but I did - I’m not perfect and yes I make mistakes sometimes.  I now believe this client intentionally did this under the guise of “being nice” when in reality he knew exactly what he was doing and that he would be able to get a refund anytime he wanted.  This same client ended up stalking and harassing me both on and off Fiverr to the point where I had to block him on several accounts he created.  It made me very uncomfortable and although he continued to want to purchase gigs, no amount of money is worth that uneasy feeling he gave me.  

So...lesson learned on my part.  As a result of my TOS violation, I was demoted to Level One.  This means the number of gigs I can have is reduced to 10.  I decided to take a month off giving readings so that I can focus on spellwork and my family, but I will resume readings in early September - to be honest I needed a break.  I had gotten so busy that I had to hire an assistant to help me handle inbox messages.  Which leads me to update #2.....

2)  My Assistant Crystal - Many of you have already met Crystal.  She’s a dear friend of mine and I asked her to help me out when I got so busy that I was struggling to keep up with all of my work plus inbox messages plus my family.  Thankfully she agreed - and bless her heart she wanted to do it free of charge but I insisted on paying her.  Thank you Crystal, you’re the best!!!  Anyway now that my work load has even reduced to HALF because of my TOS violation on Fiverr, I’ve also had to cut back on her help since it’s not currently needed.  Once business picks back up she will be continuing to help me out but in the meantime, you’re stuck with me again lol.

3)  For a while there I was offering One Hour Psychic Readings.  This was a great way to help my clients who needed answers immediately rather than waiting the full 48 hours or even the 24 hours for an express reading.  The One Hour Reading was prices at $25 and delivered within minutes of the order (up to an hour).  I will be offering this again in the future but for now it’s not an option due to my taking a break for this month.

4)  New Things on the Horizon - Moving forward, I will be adding some new Spell castings for the remainder of 2018.  I’ve been working on these for a while now and have “tested” them on certain clients who volunteered to be my lab rats (thank you KC, J and Ry!).  These new spells will be coming in the next few months and as a result, some spells will be replaced due to the limited number of gigs I’m able to offer on Fiverr.  You can still order the “retired” spells anytime - you just have to place a custom order (the price remains the same).

5)  Emergency Readings - I understand that I have clients who rely on my insight on a more urgent basis and I certainly don’t want those clients to be left in a lurch for a month.  So I will be offering emergency/urgent readings via my inbox for any clients who need them.  They will be at a cost of $20 and will be delivered within 24 hours of placing the order.  Simply inbox message me to request this and I’ll send you an offer.  

Thank you all for understanding and I promise to not unknowingly violate anymore TOS on Fiverr!  It’s not a nice feeling for sure - and I was really upset with Fiverr at first but after they kindly explained to me what I did wrong, I have to agree that yes it was wrong and I accept my “punishment” and will move forward with the “Sunny” disposition that I’m known for.  

Blessings, Love & Light,
Sunny :)