Monday, September 2, 2019

Update from PsychicSunshine on Fiverr

Hello my lovelies!

Several of my former Fiverr clients have thankfully located me here on my blog!  Unfortunately I do not have an update for you yet as to my account status with Fiverr because although it’s been one month, they have not informed me about whether they will be allowing me to keep my gigs there or not.  As a matter of necessity, I have had to move forward with my own business regardless, as I await their decision.  For now I’m assuming they are not going to allow me to have my gigs there any longer.  Should that change I will let you know, for those that still like the Fiverr platform.

So...going forward I do have a few things to tell you about.

  • I am still available for all of the same readings and spell castings that were available on Fiverr. For now I accept PayPal.  My prices remain unchanged, and you can submit the payment to and then email me at that same address to tell me your order details, provide your questions, etc.

  • I will be giving you all a full explanation of what happened at Fiverr once they have made their decision regarding my seller account.  I’ve had several people ask me what happened and I want to give you the truth of it, but I feel it’s best to wait until things are settled at Fiverr before I do so.  For now all I can say is that this has been a systematic “culling” of spiritual sellers like myself and many others.  In my personal opinion this is because Fiverr wishes to move in a more tech-based direction with their service offerings.  Myself and others who have been with the company since their early days are being shown the door - which is a shame.  But throughout all of this, I am reminded of this....
 As a final note for now, please feel free to share this image on social media if you would be so kind, to spread the word that I’m still here....