Thursday, August 8, 2019

Attention Fiverr Clients - Sad News about PsychicSunshine (Sunny)

Hi everyone!

I’m going to hold back on the details for a while until final decisions are made, but it’s possible (very likely) that I will not be back on Fiverr.  My account has been restricted and is under review by Fiverr’s powers that be to determine if I can stay on the site.  Meanwhile I cannot accept new orders, my gigs have been pulled down and I cannot answer any inbox messages (or even see them).  They are allowing me to access my payments from previous orders for the moment but I don’t know what will happen if they should decide “my kind” are no longer welcome on Fiverr.

This may come as a shock to some of you, but it’s been a long time coming (couple of years).  Again I’ll explain everything in due time but they haven’t made a final decision yet.  For that matter neither have I.  Even if they reinstate my account fully and invite me to stay, I’m really not sure this is the kind of company I want to continue working with.  So regardless of THEIR decision I have to make one of my own.

Rest assured that I will always provide psychic readings and spell castings to my clients for as long as I’m physically, mentally and spiritually able.  I turned 40 this year.  Two years ago I experienced the devastating and life-altering loss of my newborn son.  Three years prior to that my husband became very ill and nearly died.  I have had some difficult times but helping my clients has helped ME through it all and I have no intention to stop doing just that.

So for now, I am working on a solution.  Temporarily, you may simply send your payment via PayPal (prices are unchanged for now) to and then email me to let me know you’ve done so and then tell me your usual information and questions (or spell request).  If you’re a NEW client somehow finding me, welcome and please email me so we can start getting to know one another and so I can tell you about myself and what I do and how this all works!

Thank you for understanding and please do email me, even if just to say HI because I’m really struggling with the potential loss of my business.  And if you know of a place I can continue providing my services please let me know.  I do have an account on as well (website run by another dejected Fiverr lighteorker named Blondey) so that’s also an option!

Blessings, Love & Light,
Sunny :)