Monday, August 5, 2019

Lipstick Alley Reviews

I have always tried to avoid “googling myself”, but recently I decided to and I was horrified to find out that someone on Lipstick Alley claimed I delivered copy and paste readings and was a “fraud”.  I would like to publicly state that this is 100% false.  The person who posted that may be a disgruntled client or even a competitor.  The reason I googled myself is because I had two clients order and then cancel claiming they read reviews that stated I was a fraud.  Whatever the case may be, please make your own judgment.  Order a $5 Reading from me and make up your own mind.  Don’t fall into the sheep mentality of just going along with what someone else said.  Take into consideration the literal THOUSANDS of positive reviews I’ve received in the past 7 years (when I was on Fiverr) compared to the very few negatives and a couple of random postings on a gossip website.  I’m intelligent and confident enough to know that you cannot please every single person.  I learned that 7 years ago when I got my first negative review lol.  Say what you want - free speech is a wonderful thing - but please also give me the benefit of the doubt, before making judgments.  Blessings to you all!