Monday, September 3, 2018

September 2018 Updates!

Hi to all my clients both old and new!

I hope you’re having a great start to September!  Here are this month’s updates:

1)  I’m still on a bit of a break and only offering psychic readings at a rate of $20 which includes 24 hour delivery.  Regular readings will resume sometime later this month (between the 15th and 30th).

2)  ALL spells are still available even though only 10 gigs are available on Fiverr.  If the spell you normally order isn’t listed, you’re welcome to order the custom spell casting and then just request whatever spell it is that you have previously ordered or would like to now order.  I’ll create another blog post which will include a list of all the spells I offer, and of course if you don’t see what you need you can always inbox me to ask if I can do it and in 99% of cases I can!

3)  I’ve been asked about why I’m not offering the full amount of spells on Fiverr’s gig listing and why I’m not doing regular $5 readings currently.  Please check out the “August 2018 Updates” post for that information.

4)  If you’re wondering why I cannot provide information about my blog or email address in the Fiverr inbox, it’s because that is against Fiverr’s TOS.  I’m not allowed to give out such information on their website.  Most clients find this blog by googling “PsychicSunshine on Fiverr” and my blog comes up.  If you do have questions prefer to communicate via email, it is - though the best way to reach me remains to be on Fiverr as that’s the only place I’m currently offering readings.  I may offer readings/spells on other platforms in the future but for now I’m happy providing them on Fiverr.

5)  Another common question I get is whether I can accept orders for readings or spell castings directly via PayPal, and the answer is currently no.  I could, but I choose not to for the time being.  I’ve been told that Fiverr charges a $2 service fee PER GIG, even if it’s all for the same order.  So for example if you were ordering 3 Spell castings you’d be paying $15 plus $6 in service fees.  As a result people have asked me for a discount.  I actually don’t receive any of that $6 fee, and I also receive only 80% if the $15 due to the fee Fiverr charges me.  So of the $21 you pay to Fiverr I am only getting $12.  To combat this, I can only recommend that if you’re planning to place multiple orders from me, just inbox me first and I’ll be glad to send you a custom offer/bundle so that you will only be paying ONE $2 service fee.  I do know that Fiverr received a lot of complaints from clients about this service charge so it’s entirely possible that they have changed this by the time you’re reading this.  But I wanted to just put it out there in case it’s a concern that you have.

I think that just about covers everything!  New spell castings are still in the works, so be sure to check my blog each month and my Fiverr gig listings and profile as well for any new castings that I may be promoting.  

Sunny :)