Wednesday, September 30, 2015

*NEW* Now Offering AUDIO Recordings of Your Reading!!

I'm so excited to offer this for my clients!  This is being offered as an 'extra' on both of my psychic reading gigs (see below for links!).

Here's how it works:

Instead of typing out your reading, I will record an audio file of me giving you the reading.  This makes it much more personal and also allows me to be more thorough with your reading since I talk faster than I type!  :)

I'm from the south, so I hope you won't mind my southern accent!  The audio file will be an m4a file.  This is a standard audio file type, but if you need a specific type of file, I can try to convert it for you if possible.  Most recordings will be approximately 3-5 minutes in length, based on the test readings I've done.

If you would also like a typed transcription of this audio file, I can do this for an additional $10 fee but you must speak to me about it beforehand, as I don't have this on my extras - I'll need to send you a custom offer for this additional service.

Here are the links to the gigs this new service is offered on:

One Question Psychic Reading

Five Question Psychic Reading

I hope you'll check it out!

Sunny :)